Motorcyclists must do everything they can to minimize their risk of being injured if they are in an accident. One way that all bikers can reduce the risk of injuries is wearing a helmet. In Wisconsin, bikers aren’t required to wear a motorcycle helmet unless they are 17 or younger. That fact doesn’t mean that you should go helmetless just because you want to. Instead, wearing a helmet is always a good idea.

Even though most bikers know helmets are an important item of safety gear, some motorcyclists opt not to wear them. While this is their right as long as the biker is of legal age to make that choice, it can affect claims for compensation if an accident does occur.

When you are struck by a vehicle, you might suffer a head injury. These head injuries might have been prevented if you had been wearing a helmet. That is the argument that you might hear from the other driver if you opt to seek compensation. That fact could have a big impact on your case so you have to make sure that you understand how laws might affect your claim for compensation.

All motorcycle accident victims have the right to pursue compensation from the driver who caused the accident. Whether your helmet use will affect the claim or not depends on several factors. It is crucial that you learn about all the factors that can affect your claim. If there is anything that is affecting your case, you should learn about ways that you can address those points.

Source: FindLaw, “Helmet Laws and Motorcycle Accident Cases,” accessed March 11, 2016